Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Different Wayback Wednesday: Vlog

I took a different approach at Wayback Wednesday. Enjoy some experiences from when I was first diagnosed, in vlog form. Please excuse the ugly afghan on my window (It's so my cats don't destroy my blinds) and my sick-sounding voice.


P.S. Please keep my boyfriend in your thoughts and prayers. He found out today that he DOES have Coeliac Disease (aka Gluten Allergy). He is kinda bummed. I am too. Some of our favorite meals include gluten! But hopefully this will pave the way for us both to live a more healthy lifestyle and have long, happy lives together.


  1. Prayers to your boyfriend. Good he knows now.

    Great vlog!! Wayback, wow. I don't think I have much from 24 yrs ago (thank goodness). ;-)

  2. Loved the Vlog! I can't imagine having to wait 45 seconds to get a blood sugar reading....5 seconds seems like an eternity to me sometimes!

    Sorry to hear about your boyfriend and the dreaded C- word!



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