Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Job

As I announced on Twitter yesterday, I got the job that I interveiwed for yesterday. I'm pretty hyped about it, although nervous about entering the "real" world, with an office and everything. It's super exciting! Work and diabetes are interesting to manage. I've held several different types of jobs and the subject is always touchy, but this time it will hopefully be less so. The person who refrenced me for the job already works there, and he is T1 as well. So, when the boss man noticed we both chew our upper lip, he said, "Is that a diabetic thing?" (I think he was joking).

At any rate, I expect to remain professional and not give lots of details about my job on my blog, other than the occasional diabetes shinanigans. This is going to be a "growing up" period for me, learning how to work in the professional world. I think it will be good and sad.

What was your first "real" job, and how did you have to adjust? If you had diabetes then, has it created any memorable, good or bad, moments in your workplace?

1 comment:

  1. My first "real" job was residency. After Residency, I had a faculty position at a college in Ohio. Most people knew, but it was no big deal. I had my own office so I checked and did whatever I needed to without an audience. I usually left my meter out on the desk. As students would come in, I would put things away. Still not comfortable being open with students. Even health care professional graduate students. ;P

    I keep lifesavers in my lab coat and wear my pump on my hip. I have had times when I had to call someone to come stand in class while I go run to check if it is needed. I don't recall any bad memories at work.

    I remember not sharing lifesavers with a girl that asked during a meeting if she could have one as I was eatting away at them hoping the meeting would end soon.



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